Porn, Trans Women, and the Collapse of Society
Enlightened Men ‘Splain That Porn Reveals A New Violent Agenda Against Women! (Oh Yeah, It Also Leads to Trans Women)
Enlightened Men ‘Splain That Porn Reveals A New Violent Agenda Against Women! (Oh Yeah, It Also Leads to Trans Women)
In his “Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic,” Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry posits that smartphone-accessible HD porn is causing societal collapse:
An academic review of no less than 135 peer-reviewed studies found “consistent evidence” linking online porn addiction to, among other things … a “greater tolerance of sexual violence toward women,” as well as “a diminished view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity.” …What have we done?
Breathtaking! Today’s porn causes an entirely new phenomenon—sexual violence toward women and a diminished view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity!
Every word of what you just said was wrong
Oblivious to patriarchy’s sexual slavery, violence, domination, objectification, and murder that’ve dehumanized women for millenia, Gobry tells us “Today’s porn makes men do stuff that’s never happened before!”
Gobry notes with shock! Shock! that women are brutalized:
Historically, sexual fantasies that involved some measure of coercion may have aroused many men, but those same men were disgusted by violent rape and brutal degradation … something has changed, seriously, dramatically, and seemingly overnight.
Ya Gotta Feel for the Bros
I feel for those men through the centuries who “were disgusted by violent rape and brutal degradation” of women but carried on, ’cuz a bro’s gotta do the Lord’s work, y’know? It takes instantly accessible HD porn to rouse Gobry. The house was arsoned around women’s ears centuries ago, and Gobry advises not to play with matches, lest we scorch the carpet.
Them Trans Women Done Did It, Too!
Mansplainers like Gobry miss the nose on their own face to continually bloody and score women’s faces. But Gobry takes things a step further and blames porn for the rise of transgender women (as if we never existed till we had HD smut to warp our minds into the inconceivable notion that we’d trade male privilege to get all sissyfied):
But perhaps it’s turning at least some men into something else. [Trans woman] Andrea Long Chu … asked: “Did sissy porn make me trans?” … Chu essentially answers her own question: “Yes.” … Porn rewires our brain at a fundamental level and changes what we crave. And that should alarm us regardless of what we believe about transgender issues.
Gobry cherry-picks his sole trans source (Chu is a pithy, idiosyncratic, and purposely provocative writer who maintains that her views are indicative not of trans folk in general but of her in particular, a key fact Gobry omits). So one has to wonder what “science” he’s cherry-picked to confirmationally bias his thesis. Thus it goes with mansplainers.
What ought to alarm Gobry and all of us is that there’s never been a shortage of patriarchal males who will continue to crush women and who will say the cause of such oppression is anything but themselves and the cultural system they’ve bloodily enforced for 4,000 years.
Mansplainers for Millennia
Gobry’s a Chicken-Little mind who would rally us to a consciousness that he has yet to form in himself. Worse, like James Dobson exonerating Ted Bundy ‘cuz “the porn made Bundy do it,” maybe Gobry is a demagogue peddling his own brand of snake oil or (more likely) is the tool of peddlers at the Ethics and Public Policy Center (where Gobry is a “fellow”) and that bulwark of progressive values, American Greatness.
What ought to alarm Gobry and all of us is that there’s never been a shortage of patriarchal males who will continue to crush women and who will say the cause of such oppression is anything but themselves and the cultural system they’ve bloodily enforced for 4,000 years.
Sifting Through the Patriarchal Wreckage
Gobry indicates a tiny inkling that all men should’ve have glimpsed on a cinema-size screen for four millennia: patriarchy—not porn, not Satan, not ignorance, not technology, nor anything else—has been warping male brains, hearts, and souls to the pitch of making the other half of the human race their property.
It’s high time, then, for the bros to notice that they pulled down the sky centuries ago, and that, if men have a bloody nose from that catastrophe, it’s only because they tripped over the wreckage in their efforts to punch women’s faces into pulp.
It shouldn’t take this trans woman or HD porn to tell you something’s long been wrong, boys.
To learn more about my trans journey, check out my memoir, How to NOT Know You’re Trans, to be released Valentine’s Day 2020!
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